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Our Story...

Cancer can touch anyone. Ourselves. Our family. Our friends.


Coming from a background of music production for film and TV, when my wife was going through chemotherapy I recorded an album of instrumental music for her to listen to during her treatment. She found this to be very beneficial.


Encouraged by her response, I gave the album to other friends and acquaintances going through a wide variety of treatments, from chemotherapy to depression. The responses from all were unequivocally positive.  


The therapeutic power of music is an innate knowledge we all share and is supported by a wealth of scientific evidence. Music can help manage anxiety and stress during treatments such as chemotherapy & dialysis, increasing their effectiveness.


We met with representatives from foremost cancer treatment centers to discuss the merits and challenges of music as medicine and began to formulate a program in order to deliver the therapeutic benefits of music in the widest possible way.


Clinical Music Therapy is an established health profession. Due to the nature of the one to one delivery there is an inbuilt differential between need and provision which to cancer patients alone currently averages 1300 patients for each practicing Clinical Music Therapist. This imbalance deteriorates further once non-cancer patients are included.


Recorded music can deliver the therapeutic benefits of music to the wider community. All music is equally effective but in listening to your favorite music during treatment you run the risk of future listenings transporting you back to a negative time in your life, forever tarnishing what was once so treasured.


Our solution is the Therapeutic Music in Medicine multi platform music streaming app.


Designed by Chris Knox - - using images from New Zealand photographer Allan Johnston - - and developed by Tom Gallagher of The App engineers from the ground up to help bridge the differential between need and provision but with these additional benefits:


  • non-intrusive delivery system.

  • complements established practices.

  • increases the awareness, reach and scope of existing integrative health departments and programs

  • provides a solid platform that promotes and supports innovation.

  • featuring original music from world renowned, award winning composers. 


Fully funded through a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the app has been created for all patients to use free of charge during their treatment and recuperation 24/7/365.


Mission Statement:“Broadcasting the therapeutic benefits of music to all”.


Music touches everyone. Ourselves. Our family. Our friends.


Chris Cozens. (Therapeutic Music in Medicine). 


Image by Allan Johnston

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